
的 毕业 Unit in the Registrar's Office is responsible for evaluating the academic degree qualifications once a student applies for graduation, 授予华南理工大学学位和证书, 并协助处理重复的文凭申请.

正规澳门平台十大赌博你是否有资格获得学位的问题, 学习什么课程来满足你的学术计划, 或者其他类似的问题, you must speak with an academic advisor in the 学生成功中心 in the College your major is in. 请访问 wolaipei.com/uac 找到更多正规澳门平台十大赌博学生成功中心的信息.

正规澳门平台十大赌博毕业申请的一般问题(例如, 申请的状态), 请电子邮件 graduation@wolaipei.com 或致电310-243-3645. 您也可以查看 常见问题页面. 具体问题 about graduation requirements, please speak with an advisor at the 学生成功中心.

重要提示: 在授予学位之前,必须满足所有学位要求. 报名参加毕业典礼,走上舞台 不意味着自动授予学位吗. 一旦最终审查完成,所有要求都得到满足, 将授予学位.  

毕业申请 & 的最后期限


申请毕业, eligible students will have an option to submit the request via their my基督教社会联盟DH student portal; subject to the deadlines below. 一旦学生提交了毕业申请,学校就会向学生提交申请 退还的费用 需要在学生门户网站48小时内支付吗. 而且,还会有 额外的不可退还费用 在公布的截止日期后评估提交. 在提交毕业申请之前, 请先与学院学生成功中心的顾问见面.

学位授予期限申请毕业申请 毕业 有滞纳金
秋季学期1月1日至7月1日7月2日- 9月15日
春季学期4月18日- 10月1日10月2日- 12月14日
暑期班11月1日- 2月1日2月2日- 4月15日

If the above dates fall on a weekend or holiday, the deadline will be the following business day.

提醒一下, 当你申请毕业时, 只有当你的学业计划达到了所有要求,学位才会被授予. Attending the 毕业典礼 Ceremony does not automatically indicate you will be awarded a degree after applying for graduation.


的 evaluation process for students who submit the Application for 毕业 by the published deadlines are reviewed by the date they were received. 的 timely filing of the Application for 毕业 will ensure the degree checks will be processed prior to the last day to add classes for the term of anticipated graduation. 在截止日期之前或之前提交的毕业申请 需要90美元.00手续费不退. 一旦你提交了电子毕业申请, 费用将出现在你的学生账户中. 该费用必须在常规截止日期前48小时内支付, 否则,可能需要额外支付15美元的不可退还费用.


在常规截止日期之后提交的申请和/或费用需要额外支付15美元.00元不退还的费用适用于90元.00元不退还的毕业申请费. 这些费用必须在48小时内支付.


每个准本科生都必须申请毕业. A student is eligible to apply for graduation if fewer than 10 courses are needed to complete the degree and after completion of 90 semester units. To review your eligibility, please speak with an advisor from the 学生成功中心 wolaipei.com/uac. If you have questions about the application/evaluation process of the graduation application, 请将一般性问题转给 注册主任办事处 电话:(310)243-3645或发电子邮件至 graduation@wolaipei.com


每个未来的研究生必须申请毕业. To review your eligibility, please speak with an advisor from the 学生成功中心 wolaipei.com/uac. 如需进一步的一般问题,请与您的专业部门或 注册主任办事处 电话:(310)243-3645或发电子邮件至 graduation@wolaipei.com.




请使用 目录 据此,你被录取了.

An updated list of approved courses satisfying all components of the program is printed in the 课程表大学目录. 大一新生必须满足通识课程的要求. Transfer students who have remained in continuous attendance at a campus of the 基督教社会联盟 or the California Community 大学 since 1980–81 have the option of choosing this program or the General Education Program described in 目录s prior to 1980-81.


认可的高等院校和大学提供B.A. 或B.S., 或者这类学位课程的前两年, may certify partial completion of the lower division General Studies requirements according to procedures specified in 基督教社会联盟 Executive Order 342. 基督教社会联盟DH will accept a maximum of 40 semester or 60 quarter units toward our General Studies program. An additional nine semester units of upper division General Studies courses must be completed at 基督教社会联盟DH. (见目录的“一般研究”部分.)


请使用 目录 据此,你被录取了.


请使用 目录 据此,你被录取了.

Students who select a major in one of the Single Fields Majors are not required to complete a minor toward completion of the degree.



  • 学士学位至少需要修满120个学期. 得了B的学生.S. 学位课程可能需要多达132个学期. 通过延期最多可获得24个学期单位, 对应, and the United States Armed Forces Institute (USAFI) may be accepted toward a bachelor's degree.
  • 必须完成至少40个学期的高年级学分.
  • 至少30个学期单元必须在基督教社会联盟DH住校完成.
  • 30个单元中至少有24个必须是上除法.
  • 24门高级课程中至少有12门必须与你的专业相关, 而且是未成年人, 至少有一半以上的部门单位必须在基督教社会联盟DH完成.
  • 至少9个单元的通识研究必须在基督教社会联盟DH完成.


  • 至少30个经批准的学期单位,或更多,根据特定课程的要求.
  • A minimum of 21 semester units in residence after admission to the program offering the degree.
  • 只有高年级和研究生水平的课程可以使用.
  • 不少于研究生(500级)课程总学分的一半.
  • Not more than nine semester units of 500 level courses taken prior to admission to conditionally classified or classified status.
  • 一篇论文或项目不能超过六个单元.
  • 独立学习不超过六个单元.

An undergraduate student who has completed a minimum of 36 units in residence at 基督教社会联盟DH with a grade point average of 3.40岁或以上的学生可以以优异的成绩从学校毕业.


  1. 最少36个住宅单位;
  2. 最低平均绩点为3分.40个单位在基督教社会联盟DH;
  3. 所有可接受的本科工作的累积平均成绩如下:
3.40 – 3.59以优等成绩毕业者
3.60 – 3.79优等生
3.80 – 4.00优等生

Students who achieve the above honors will have the information recorded on their transcripts and diplomas.

Individual departments may also have departmental honors (known as Honors in the Major); which are described in each of the program sections of the 大学目录.


的 process of conferring degrees begins two weeks after grades are submitted at the end of the term and takes approximately four to six weeks to complete. 在这段时间内, 你的学术历史进行审查,以确保所有的学位要求已被满足. 如果没有达到任何要求,将不授予学位.

Once all requirements have been verified as being met the degree is conferred and posted to the transcript. An email is sent to the student's 基督教社会联盟DH email 账户 to notify them of the request and a diploma is requested on behalf of the student (per the graduation application fee).

文凭直接邮寄到学生的地址. 学生可以通过访问他们的 my.基督教社会联盟DH.edu 账户. 当文凭被运送的时候, 学生将在他们的基督教社会联盟DH电子邮件地址收到第二次通知. Please note that picking up the diploma from the campus is not an option that is available.


  • 你的学生记录上的名字. 您可以添加一个额外的名称, 但你不能删除出现在你的记录上的名字除非官方 个人资料更改表格 适当的文件已经和文件一起提交了.
  • 你的学位(学士,学士,硕士,MBA,硕士),主修和辅修.
  • 如果你有双学位,两个专业都会出现在你的文凭上. (e.g.(心理学及历史文学士)
  • 如果你有双学位,你将获得两份文凭. (e.g.(心理学学士及计算机科学学士)
  • If you have a double major with two degrees and a minor, the minor will only appear on one diploma.
  • 如果你达到了GPA要求, 大学荣誉(优等生, 优等生, or 优等生) and Honors in the Major (if your department has nominated you) will also appear on the diploma.


IF学生需要申请一份文凭的额外副本(或替换副本), 需要使用以下链接来放置请求: 文凭网上商店. 的 process for diploma reorder will take approximately 3-5 weeks for delivery and includes a $15 charge per each degree requested.


更多信息,请访问 毕业典礼上网页.


本科生申请重新激活毕业证书 是为以前申请毕业的华南理工大学学生准备的, 没有保持连续出勤, 并相信我已经完成了所有学位要求. 

本科生申请复读表格[PDF] 应该由你所在学院的指导老师打印并填写 学生成功中心. Students may be required to resubmit transcripts from all other colleges and universities attended. 这些成绩单必须是正式的,并在密封的信封中提交. Students who have been academically disqualified from the University and have not yet been reinstated are not eligible for reactivation; the student must be reinstated before filing for reactivation. 


Students with outstanding requirements to graduate will need to complete these requirements prior to applying for reactivation. Students who are interested in completing the outstanding requirements at 基督教社会联盟DH may reapply to the University. 请参考下一个可用学期的申请截止日期.   

Students who reapply to the University and are readmitted are responsible for all University requirements in effect at the time of reactivation or readmission. 的se may include, but are not limited to, the current General Education pattern and the 毕业写作考核要求 (GWAR).


授予死后学位是 表彰已故学生的学术成就, 并扩展到大学社区, 家庭, 和朋友有机会分享学生在华南理工大学的学业成就.